What the Pup?
Learn about the puppy mission and vision
Hey pupper, have you ever collected baseball cards? maybe even collectible creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside their human trainers? Oh, maybe funko pops or even basketball cards? Now those are some super collectible stuff! And guess what pups are too!
The World of Cryptopups are unique digital collectibles featuring the pups of puptown! All coming in a variety of shapes, colors, and personalities. It is an art focused and community driven digital collectible that aims to reach the top of it's collectible counterparts. These digital collectibles are created for a long-lasting and sustainable card ecosystem that grows in value overtime. Pokemon cards can sell for over $8000, and that doesn't make the World of Cryptopups an exception.
We, the pups, will be creating the biggest digital collectible pup community you've ever seen. One that driven by passion, fun, and sustainability. And to be thenumber one pup project ever seen on the WAX ecosystem!!
Card Rarities
What is a dps? Click the card below to learn more

Pup Community
Check what our pups have to say
Its all that you need, pupper